dm – Workshop Perceptual Process


A training that will make
agencies fall in love with
your project managers.

Designed for professionals.

Designing and launching captiviating and successful advertising campaigns is full of challenges. Especially when the range of events, products, special occasions and offers is as diverse as in the case of dm-drogerie markt. We were invited to dm’s idyllic headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany to train two cohorts of the core marketing team of dm within our workshop on the perceptual process. The following case serves as an overview of the general outline of that course and how it enables teams of creative managers to communicate their ideas to colleagues, collaborators and consumers alike.

Understand perception,
steer attention.

The training’s primary objective is to enhance the strategic marketing team’s understanding of the process of perception. By delving into the mechanics and psychology behind the interaction of media with prospective consumers, we equipped the team with crucial insights into how perception and interpretation of multimedia advertising and marketing campaigns takes place. With precise focus on all important parts of the process from concept to design, we give an in-depth tour reaching from the overall idea to the intended outcome. This knowledge enables the team to evaluate agency work more effectively and provide more valuable and concise feedback, leading to more efficient and impactful campaigns.

Emotional connection
at the core of a successful
campaign concept.

In essence, marketing campaigns are a business’ attempt to enter into personal relationships with customers. Key vehicle to achieve this is the strong connection of imagery, text, color and design with genuine and immediate human emotion. To achieve such a connection all available design elements and their known associative counterparts need to come together in a planned and well organised fashion.

For this, we flip the underlying conceptual foundation leading from concept to reaction back around and work directly from perspective of the desired outcome and formulate a clear goal of the campaign. From there, we identify the necessary emotions that the media need to evoke and derive the overall conceptual idea.

The goal is to identify how this emotion can be reached by interpreting and drawing associations from imagery and stylistic devices and how all of these emerge from one conceptual source. Finally, we consolidate all gained insights into the conceptual design that is directly perceivable by the customer. With this approach we strive to make future attempts at a strong relationship between any business and its customers a guarantee.


The training leaves the strategic marketing team of dm invigorated with newfound knowledge and insights into consumer perception as well as a handout-document structured according to the most important landmarks of the session.

All of the participants and their teams now possess the tools to come up with cohesive ideas, make more informed decisions, provide valuable feedback and collaborate effectively with any creative agency. We’re looking forward to seeing how the insights reached within the course are put into action.


The course refines and sharpens the participants’ awareness of the intricacies and detail of all creative assets across the board – on a conceptual as well as on a practical level. Contact us, if you think your team is ready to unleash their collective creative potential and shift into high gear when it comes to their next multi-media project.

Regardless of brand, company or team – our training proves immensely valuable in various kinds of projects that require communication and collaboration among creative minds.


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